This Is Not the Marriott with Maya Gold Patterson

Today’s episode is the first in a two-part series on childbirth.  Black women are nearly three times more likely than White women to die in childbirth, so we are taking our time with this topic. In this episode, Brenda and Elaine talk to Maya Gold Patterson about how she prepared for pregnancy and delivery, and the challenges she faced delivering her first child during COVID.

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Los Angeles County has an African American Infant and Maternal Mortality Initiative, a coalition addressing the unacceptably high rates of Black infant and maternal deaths in Los Angeles County.

CAPPA is an international certification organization for Doulas, Childbirth Educators and Lactation Educators. They maintain a directory of doulas and educators.   

The momnibus act is a legislative effort at the federal level to address the national crisis in Black maternal health care.  

From Stigma to Super Power with Krista Bradley

Brenda and Elaine chat with Krista Bradley about her Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, which she wasn’t diagnosed with until she was an adult.  Krista explains how she manages her ADHD and why she sees it as a superpower.

Please follow @bodywealthsisters on Instagram and subscribe to/follow the show on the podcast platform on your choice.

Krista mentioned so many useful resources in this episode.  Here are a few of them:


Delivered from Distraction: Getting The Most Out Of Life With Attention Deficit Disorder By Edward M. Hallowell, M.D. and John J. Ratey, M.D.

ADDitude Magazine

Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) is a US-based non-profit organization whose mission is to improve the lives of people affected by ADHD.

Krista is a fan of several ADHD-related podcasts. Check out 

Faster than Normal

Dr. Hallowell’s Wonderful World of Different–ADHD and Beyond

A Search for Pain-Free Living with Martha Taylor

Martha Taylor joins Brenda and Elaine to talk about her problematic knee replacement surgery and the different ways she has managed pain in her seventies and eighties.

Please follow @bodywealthsisters on Instagram or visit our website,

See tips for keeping your knee joints healthy from the Arthritis Foundation at

The gel injections used by Marth Taylor are called Viscosupplementation Treatment. The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons describes the procedure here:

The Mayo Clinic describes Five Alternatives to Knee Replacement Surgery


Do It for the Peace with Kendra Plummer

Brenda and Elaine chat with Kendra Plummer who discovered she had hypothyroidism when she was in college and now takes daily hormones to maintain her health. Kendra describes how she was diagnosed and what other life decisions that diagnosis has affected.

Please follow @bodywealthsisters on Instagram or visit our website,

If you want to learn more about hypothyroidism, check out these two resources:

The African American Wellness Project: Health Summary on Hypothyroidism

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases: Health Information on Hypothyroidism