Mother and Daughter: A Relationship Redefined with Ashleigh Morgan

“I’m not your little friend.” is something countless Black girls have heard from their mothers.  But once we are grown, we might want to establish a more equal relationship with our mothers.  Brenda and Elaine talk to Ashleigh about how she is going about creating the relationship she wants with her mother.

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Bloodline: A Sickle Cell Warrior with Paige Hardy

Most of us have heard of Sickle Cell disease, but what do we really know about it? In this episode, Paige shares her personal experience as a patient and advocate. Her conversation with Brenda and Elaine provides so much insight into what it is like to live with this disorder and the advances that are finally being made to provide relief for those who suffer its effects.

Please follow Body Wealth on the podcast application of your choice and follow @bodywealthsisters on Instagram, Facebook or YouTube. It also really helps get the word out about Body Wealth if you rate and review the show. Or just tell your friends about it!

The Centers for Disease Control has great information about sickle cell disease including: how the trait is passed on and how to get the best care .

The Red Cross provides a history of Sickle Cell Disease.

Sick Cells is a non-profit organization whose mission is “to elevate the voices of the sickle cell community and their stories of resilience—to ultimately influence decision-makers and propel positive change”

80 and Active: Prioritizing Movement for Life with Lois Roux

In her mid-80s, Mrs. Roux walks 10,000 steps a day and does aerobics four days a week.  We want to be like her.  In this episode, she tells us how she reached this level of fitness in her senior years.

Please follow Body Wealth on the podcast application of your choice and follow @bodywealthsisters on Instagram, Facebook or YouTube. It also really helps get the word out about Body Wealth if you rate and review the show. Or just tell your friends about it!

Brenda and Elaine enjoy the online yoga/pilates sessions from Arianna Elizabeth. And if you live near Durham, check out Prevailing Pilates. You may also want to check out the article,  “How Hair Care Affects Physical Activity in African American Women”

Brooklyn Bred: Embracing Life in the South with Celeste Williams

Celeste never expected to live outside of the big city of New York, but when life circumstances changed, she overcame reservations about what life in the South would be and moved to North Carolina. Brenda and Elaine chat with her about the transition and the new ways of staying healthy she has discovered.

Please follow Body Wealth on the podcast application of your choice and follow us @bodywealthsisters on Instagram, Facebook or YouTube. It also really helps get the word out about Body Wealth if you rate and review the show. Or just tell your friends about it!

The Capital B news organization has a series documenting and analyzing the “Reverse Migration” of Black Americans. 

This is Not Normal: Managing Polycystic Ovary Syndrome with Tsjenna Daley

Tsjenna Daley suffered extremely painful periods and didn’t know what to do. Through her own research, she learned she had Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). Brenda and Elaine chat with Tsjenna about how she manages this hormone-related condition.

Please follow Body Wealth on the podcast application of your choice and follow us @bodywealthsisters on Instagram, Facebook or YouTube. It also really helps get the word out about Body Wealth if you rate and review the show. Or just tell your friends about it!

The PCOS Awareness Association provides resources and educational programs related to PCOS.  The Mayo Clinic offers a helpful overview of this disorder.

After the Show: Managing Polycystic Ovary Syndrome with Tsjenna Daley

Brenda and Elaine discuss their takeaways from their conversation with Tsjenna Daley.  This After-the-Show episode covers issues raised in the episode, “This is Not Normal: Managing Polycystic Ovary Syndrome with Tsjenna Daley.” You may want to listen to that episode first.